Goat format chaos control
Goat format chaos control

goat format chaos control

TER is a powerhouse as it shuts down your opponent’s aggro deck, stopping all monsters except for itself from attacking or changing their battle position. The real reason is because of the best deck of the time: Goat Control. Well that’s just because it’s the greatest of all time! Some duelists may say this. I bring to you, the Yu-Gi-Oh! format using cards and ban lists through the summer of 2005, Goat Format. Duelists were playing this format long before Time Wizard was officially sanctioned by Konami. What I am about to show you is one of the most popular varieties of Time Wizard Format that duelists play. If you recall from my Getting Started article I discussed a variety of the card game rules called Time Wizard Format. I come to you today with one of the most elegant ways to play our beloved card game of Yu-Gi-Oh. Time is a flat circle back off.), my dear duelist. Good evening (or morning, or afternoon, or whatever. I think CD could also be especially useful in punishing Chaos players while they're holding back chaos monsters looking for an opening to steal the game.Did you play Yu-Gi-Oh! on the playground with your friends? Is new Yu-Gi-Oh! too complicated for you? Do you just want to relive those old school yard days? Then have I got the format for you! Unlike Thousand-Eyes, a properly summoned Relinquished can be revived with Premature Burial for a great surprise play in the mid-to-late game, and Card Destruction (CD) plays very well with the virtual card advantage earned through Manju+Serpent+TD. I'm going to be taking a hard look at my deck list and replays to see if I can squeeze those back in. ​Just before last night's Goat Format Friday I cut Card Destruction and Premature Burial for Dekoichis in a somewhat feeble attempt to match pace with Chaos Turbo. I wish I had played a little better, or gotten a little luckier, but either way I had a good time and can't wait for my next chance to play! I also had a fairly brutal win where I managed to get both Ryu Senshi and Dark Balter on board and softlock my opponent from playing their cards. I had one very cool loss where my opponent's solemn judgment put them into a range where my Ring of Destruction could have forced a tie, but sadly, their final set was a second Judgment.

Goat format chaos control cracked#

Going 1-2 in my first ever GFC is a bit of a blow, but I'm not certain I've quite cracked this build yet, and I definitely have a lot to learn about playing in this meta and tournament environment.

goat format chaos control

The ritual package can give you a strong head start, with both Manju and Reli chipping at your opponents life points, tempting unfavorable trades, and helping to pull the deck into the late game where it can really start to smash face with its chaos monsters. The way I've put it before is this: Manju of the Ten-Thousand Hands is kind of like if a better Thunder Dragon searched a worse Chaos Sorcerer/Metamorphosis. On top of that, there are a lot of small synergies between the ritual package and standard CC cards, with Tsukuyomi and Book of Moon being able to loop Relinquished and Manju, and the light Manju quickly pairing itself with the dark Relinquished in graveyard to support the chaos monsters. However, searching a piece off a Manju pays for half the cost of the summon, and standard Chaos Control cards like Thunder Dragon, Sangan, Sinister Serpent, and Scapegoat go a long way to making the summon feasible. So big, honestly, that unless the game rides on the it, you probably shouldn't summon a hard-drawn Reli. Relinquished (I mean, ritual summons in general) is a big investment of resources. ​It may look weird to only have one of each ritual piece, but you pretty much never want to see them in your opening six or hard draw them in the late game. drawing Reli after you've pitched Black Illusion to Raigeki Break), so having a lot of ways to convert that advantage from virtual to real, as well as interact with relinquished once it hits board (which it does actually do a surprising amount) were big goals in this build. The Manjus and Thunder Dragons (TD) are very good at grabbing virtual card advantage early game, but the tradeoff is brickier hands and late game dead cards (i.e. As I've been honing this list before the event, I've been focused on the Warrior and Chaos Turbo matchups, with those being the best decks with no real silver bullets I can side. Outside of the ritual engine, this deck is a pretty standard Thunder Dragon Chaos Control list. Honestly? I like relinquished, and I thought Manju could be a solid card advantage/chaos engine in a chaos control shell.

Goat format chaos control